Sep 29, 2007

Of Cars And Qoutes

When Ms. Dominguez (the forever beautiful Ms. Dominguez) parked her new car outside our house, the first question she asked me was "How do you like the color?" I smiled because although red is my favorite color, I prefer the elegance of black when it come to cars. We were admiring her car from a distance when I asked her if the car's insurance papers were in order. She said, no. I told her she should get one and maybe I can help her ask around.

Searching the internet, I was not really suprised when I found Advantage Auto Quotes
an internet company qouting service that enables insurance companies to compete with each other to give the customers the best and the most affordable price on car, truck and SUV insurance policies. By simply filling out a form a customer may receive multiple quotes on all types of automotive insurance policies from competitive insurance agents giving customers a wide variety of choices to suit their needs.

In the world of mouse-clicking, I find it funny when I have trouble looking for a car insurance agent for Ms. Dominguez. Wish I can recommend Advantage Auto Quotes
to Ms. Dominguez that would save her a lot of trouble. But I don't think this kind of online service reaches the Philippines as of yet. Maybe not yet.

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