I have been bum for so long now it felt uncomfortable already. It’s not funny anymore. Although, I am available at anyone’s bidding 24/7, my financial dearth sometimes sent me lurking at one corner wondering how it felt to be somewhere else. My recent road trip drained me financially sacrificing my little “piggy and bamboo bank.” No regrets, though.
A couple of friends offered me accommodation and food should I decide to relocate abroad. A close friend offered to open her house and fridge for me in Davao, another in Cebu and Arman promise me company should I lose my mind and decide to live in Manila. Not bad.
Weeks ago, a friend wandered around my blogsite after he heard from the grapevine that I am maintaining one. He called me and said that he “liked” my blogs and I could actually earn from it. Earn? Such a sweet sound to my ears!
He sent me a link to www.blogsvertise.com and said hopefully my earnings from it would help me finance my vices. Hehehhehe! I forgot to click the link.
Recently, Grace, chanced upon my blogsite and left me a message at my chatbox. I went to her blogsite and again I saw www.blogsvertise.com . Curiosity striked me and immediately the dollar signs flashed before my eyes.
If my reading was right www.blogsvertise.com pays you if you write about an internet advertiser in your blog entry. You can write anything to promote, advertise, compliment or even complain about the internet advertiser. Suit me just fine.
So folks, if this blogsite turns from personal to commercial, pity the bum. She needs to eat. And of course, man cannot live by bread alone. He needs to play, too.
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