Nov 22, 2007

Law Of Inertia

Every time I am in between two opposing forces of equal strength I always find justification of my action or lack thereof in Isaac Newton’s Law of Inertia. When I can go neither right nor left, I lay still – static.

Recently, a friend asked me to tell her husband that she wanted to end their marriage anytime soon. Whoa! It was such a difficult task! I was not able to deliver the bad news when I met the emotional husband unwilling to let go of his marriage. His own lamentations were enough to keep me from uttering a single word. When he asked me to deliver a message to his wife that he doesn’t mind if there is another man as long as their kids will be treated well by the new guy, I decided to keep my mouth shut. Not a single word reached the other side. I left them as they are.

They are the two opposing forces of equal strength I am talking about. In a situation like this, where should a good friend stand? In the middle? But I don't want to blow into pieces when love and hate collide! I don't want to take sides either. I don’t really have a choice, do I?

I thank Sir Isaac Newton for discovering the Law of Inertia. I hope no crazy congress will ever introduce an amendment to it.

1 comment:

vivien said...

Hi bru! Do I know this person? I hope it's not our friend (you know who).