May 23, 2008

Coffee Talks

Suddenly I wanted to live to be a hundred. My view from the terrace of the high-rise skyscrapers surrounding the pension house I was staying with Kit made me wish to be somewhere else. I have always wanted to be forever young…

I once had a talk with an intimate soul about us growing old. While the present circumstances prevented us from being together, we thought it would be possible for us to spend the rest of our December years united and one. Fifty years from now or so…

We saw ourselves limping (not walking) by the beach as we hurried to watch one of the last sunsets of our lives. Our aging bones deprived of its vigor and strength will carry us through as we walk hand in hand trying to make up for those times we spent apart. I’d sip my cold coffee as he puffs his nth stick of cigarette of the day while we try to know each other again, noting the changes and what stayed the same. We believe that we’d be surprised to know at how far we have changed while in separation and we will be equally amazed as we discover we never changed a bit after fifty years.

We are two souls meant to be united as one but who chose to live freely from each other. We will glide separately through space and time searching the earth for its beauty and purpose, enriching ourselves with wisdom and experience, completing ourselves for each other in time for our eventual reunion.

Life is worth living when there is something to look forward to. As I drew my last puff, my coffee runs cold…

May 21, 2008

The Note

I found a hallmark card tucked into my door after I spent a boring, uneventful day yesterday. The cards says:

May the road rise up to meet you,
May the wind be always at your back,
May the sun shine warm upon your face,
And the rains fall soft upon your fields...
And until we meet again,
May God hold you in the palm of His hand.


At the back of the card was a note:

Dear Ate Iamie,

Our little talks inspire me to persevere.
Thank you. Keep on inspiring others.
Be strong in faith. Fortes in Fide.


Hannah is a neighbor of two weeks. The note reminded me of a resolve I made a long time ago: They can take everything I own. Friends may desert me and become my enemies. Family may disown me. I Just Want To Keep The Faith.

Fortes in Fide... yeah... Be Strong In Faith.

May 19, 2008

Someone Has To Be

A text message from Aileen came one night:

Do you know what's hard about being too strong?
Nobody might care to ask if you're hurt...

Well, damn what I am. Someone has to be. That is, someone has to be damned. ;-)

May 15, 2008

99 Ways To Avoid Stress

1. Get up 15 minutes earlier.
2. Prepare for the morning the night before.
3. Avoid tight fitting clothes.
4. Don’t rely on memory…write it down.
5. Practice preventive maintenance.
6. Make duplicate keys.
7. Say “NO” more often.
8. Set priorities in life.
9. Avoid negative people. (Very true… – The Bohemian Backpacker)
10. Use time wisely.
11. Simplify meal times.
12. Always make duplicate copies of important documents.
13. Anticipate your needs.
14. Repair things that don’t work properly.
15. Ask for help with jobs that you dislike.
16. Break larger tasks into bite size portions.
17. Look at problems as challenges.
18. S M I L E :)
19. Un-clutter your life.
20. Be prepare for the rain.
21. Tickle a baby.
22. Pet a friendly cat or dog.
23. Don’t know all the answers.
24. Look for the silver lining.
25. Teach a kid fly a kite.
26. Walk in the rain. (Highly recommended by TBB)
27. Schedule a play time into everyday.
28. Take a bubble bath.
29. Say something nice to someone.
30. Be aware of the decisions you make.
31. Believe in yourself.
32. Stop saying negative things to yourself.
33. Visualize yourself winning.
34. Develop your sense of humor. (Yeah, right. – TBB)
35. Stop thinking tomorrow will be a better day.
36. Have goals for yourself.
37. Dance a jig.
38. Say “hello” to strangers.
39. Ask a friend for a hug.
40. Look up at the stars. (Specially the moon! – TBB)
41. Practice breathing slowly.
42. Learn to whistle a tune.
43. Listen to top symphony.
44. Watch a ballet.
45. Read a story curled up in bed.
46. Do a brand new thing.
47. Stop a bad habit.
48. Buy yourself flowers.
49. Take time to smell the flowers.
50. Find support from others.
51. Ask someone to be your “Vent Partner”
52. Do it today.
53. Work at being cheerful and optimistic.
54. Put safety first.
55. Do everything in moderation.
56. Pay attention to your appearance. (Huh?!)
57. Strive for excellence NOT perfection.
58. Stretch your limit a little each day.
59. Look at your work of art.
60. Hum a jingle.
61. Maintain your weight.
62. Plant a tree.
63. Feed the birds.
64. Practice grace under pressure.
65. Stand up and stretch.
66. Always have a “Plan B”.
67. Learn a new doodle.
68. Memorize a joke.
69. Be responsible for your own feelings.
70. Learn to meet your own needs. (Highly advised by TBB)
71. Become a better listener.
72. Tell someone to “Have a good day”.
73. Throw a paper airplane.
74. Exercise everyday.
75. Learn the words of a new song.
76. Get to work early.
77. Clean out one closet.
78. Be out of the closet.
79. Go on a picnic.
80. Take a different route to work.
81. Leave work early (with permission, of course!)
82. Put air freshener in your car.
83. Watch a movie and eat popcorn.
84. Write a note to a far away friend.
85. Go to a ball game and scream for your favorite team.
86. Cook a meal and eat by a candlelight.
87. Remember stress is an attitude.
88. Keep a journal.
89. Practice a monster smile. (Bwahahahaha!)
90. Remember that you always have an option.
91. Have a support network (People, Places or Things)
92. Quit trying to “fix” other people’s lives.
93. Get enough sleep.
94. Talk less and listen more.
95. Freely praise other people.
96. Recognize the importance of unconditional love.
97. Set appointments ahead.
98. Cherish your friends and family and let them know.
99. Relax, remember that you have the rest of you live to live…